Ellyn and John in Australia

Monday, September 6, 2010

Weekend at "Home"

We’ve been busy at work (shame them making us work so hard!) so the blog has fallen behind. Here is the post from 3 weekends ago (oops!). Hopefully we’ll be caught up before our trip this upcoming weekend. Stay tuned…

Last weekend was a relatively uneventful weekend as both of us had to work (though John a lot more than Ellyn). We did manage to get an invite from the Office Managing Partner to a charity quiz night on Friday night though. We rode out to AAMI Stadium (home of the Adelaide Crows!) for the event with the OMP and his wife. The event was held in one of the rooms that also housed some of the old AFL memorabilia, so John enjoyed looking that at that. There were about 400 people in attendance. Food and drinks were on each team's table and constantly replenished. (Though apparently there was not enough food as Ellyn and John contemplated asking the table next to us if our table could have their dessert plate since they obviously weren’t eating it. Ellyn thought this was not a good idea given our table consisted of the OMP, i.e. the man that gave us our job, and other KPMG employees more senior than we are and clients. Regardless, John proceeded to ask the senior manager at the table if he thought it was a good idea and he responded, “Definitely! I’ve been thinking about it myself!”)

Regardless, it was the most winning night we’ve been a part of! The first “quick” game was True or False and our table was the last one standing…and one a large basket of chocolate from Haigh’s Chocolates, a REALLY yummy local chocolate factory. Our table was in the top 3-4 position all night (out of 40 tables, that’s pretty good!) and ended up winning the entire game! Our table was awarded a $500 gift certificate to a nice Italian restaurant in the City. There were 5 couples so we’ll each either get a portion of the gift certificate or we’ll have a winning table reunion at the restaurant.

Saturday we both worked and then went to a great pizza place where we were able to try “heaps” of local, boutique beers. The pizza was delicious and all organic. The dessert may have been the highlight though…its name was Filthy Rich and John was lucky to get 3 bites…Ellyn devoured it!

John worked on Sunday so Ellyn did some shopping and walked through the Botanical Gardens and had lunch, but nothing too special as she didn’t want to do anything that John would want to do. (And we know he doesn’t care about botanical gardens!)

Last week things at work got a bit better but still relatively busy. John has been running about 10 kilometers (approximately 6 miles) a few nights a week in preparation for a race we plan on running in September in Sydney. BUT, this past week, he decided he was going to go the distance and double his nightly run! He went 20 kilometers (approximately 13 miles) and didn’t even break a sweat (okay, that last parts a lie, but he did do 20 kilometers in great time and was really excited about it!). Ellyn has been sticking with regular running at the gym – she is going to run the 10k in the race, John and a few guys from work are planning to do the ½ marathon.

Next weekend...the Barossa Valley wineries!


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